“Bedroom-Pop” composer, multi-instrumentalist, Lukas Mayo AKA Pickle Darling cleanly enunciates familiar friendly words of “chocolate fish” and “Chapstick” with such an innocent rhythm, lulling the listener into a false sense of sweetness — sheltered from the unfolding argument’s line “you found god in my self hatred”.
Pickle Darling, (Lukas Mayo) reveals about ‘Blushing’; the first song written for upcoming album Cosmonaut, “It was a bit of a breakthrough for me. It’s kind of about when your fears about the future really paralyse your present. Like at the start of a relationship when you’re worried about not being on the same page and how you project fears and insecurities onto each other instead of actually getting to know each other. It was also the first kind of ‘singer’-y song I’d ever done, the vocals are loud and bold and the lyrics are clear and this was the first time I’d ever really done that.”