Vincent H.L's new album is real close. While we wait, he has released a new song and video. Check out Golden Sun:
Vincent H.L has still been active recently, having performed on the Chabs and Milky tour of Aotearoa in Tāmaki Makaurau. In his article on this site, Milky (James Milne) commented that "I’d say Vincent H.L has come a long way in the 16 years since the Whipping Cats were Sunday Magazine cover stars, but really he’s kind of similar. Still makes kind of loose bluesy-party music. Still giggles quite a bit. Vincent and his band (Yolanda Fagan, Matt Short and Daniel Ward) sounded really great in the room, and I started getting pretty excited vision-mixing the show cos all the elements – cool sounding band, atmosphere in the audience and all the camera angles looking great and technical shit not going wrong – seemed to be in place. Later the sound cut out, but that was later. In the meantime, pure exhilaration!" Watch his performance here:
Keep an eye out for the new Vincent H.L album in the near future!